Young Catholics receive the Sacrament of Confirmation once they’ve completed their two-year Sacramental Prep.

Sacrament of Confirmation

At St. Pius X, Pre-Confirmation begins in 8th grade. Students should enroll in EDGE and Pre-Confirmation. In 9th grade students should enroll in Life Teen and Confirmation. At the beginning of their 9th grade year, students will attend a weekend retreat. In order to be eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation the students must actively participate with a minimum of 80% attendance for both years, and their parents must fully engage in the Parent Catechesis Sessions.

Session Time: The Sacramental Prep for High School will be offered Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 6:15pm – 8:00pm.

We plan to offer some in-person events for our high school students to safely gather and encounter Christ in the flesh. These events will be announced via Remind and the parish bulletin.

Registrations will begin April 27th.
For Middle School registrations, please contact Mónica Gonzalez and for High School registrations, please contact Yomaira Díaz. You can catch Mónica in the office on Wednesday’s and Yomaira on Sunday’s.

Accommodations can be made for older students.

For more information, please contact Yomaira Díaz.

Phone: 770-929-1017 ext. 117