Parish Pastoral Council

Carl Wust, Chair(770) 314-0321
Bob Aiken(404) 725-1103
Brenda Gammans(770) 929-3375
Irma Frakes(817) 343-6349
Kathy Pusch(770) 309-8580
Rony Recinos(770) 483-3660 ext 116
Juan Mendez(678) 993-3116
Sister Assumpta Ogbedeagu(303) 214-8017
Deacon John Yaeger(302) 258-3793

Stewardship Committee

Irma Frakes, Chair(817) 343-6349
Ellen Dilbeck(770) 231-5381
John Stoll(770) 365-0002

Finance Council

Kevin York, Chair(770) 860-8163
Karen WilliamsBill Hughey
Mikcarla AcquingNina Jackson

Faith Formation

Faith Formation

For children in Pre-K through 12th grade during the “school year.”  We also offer a variety of events throughout the year, some of which are opened to the community at large. We often have students enroll in our program who belong to other local parishes. Additionally, we have been known to welcome Confirmation Students from other parishes on our retreats and liturgies, usually due to scheduling conflicts.   

Elementary sessions are held on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. and from 11:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. EDGE (middle school) sessions are held on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Life Teen (high school) sessions are held on Sundays at 3:30 p.m. until 4:45 p.m. We provide parent catechesis once per month on Sundays in English from 9:45 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. and in Spanish from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

We are ALWAYS looking for catechists! If you feel called to this ministry or if you’d like additional information, please contact Clemé Rodriguez, (770) 929-1017 Extension 115,

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The RCIA is the process by which those who are not baptized, and for those who are baptized Catholic but never completed their sacraments. They can complete their initiation into the Catholic Church and “become Catholic”. It is a journey of faith through which an awakening and a growth of faith (conversion) takes place. Although, we are on the journey together, each one of us has a unique path. This journey is taken in stages and takes as long as needed. RCIA at St. Pius X is a “year-round” or “continuous” process, meaning that one can enter the Inquiry or Pre-Catechumenate stage any time during the year. These initial sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and allow those seeking to learn more about the Catholic Church a time to find out about our faith and ask questions. Once ready to make a commitment to move to the next stage, we meet for the 11:00 a.m. Mass, get dismissed after the homily (sermon) and “Break Open the Word” to learn more about what God is telling us to do in our lives; followed by discussion about a related belief / practice / doctrine / dogma of the Church.

Volunteers are needed to be “Sponsors” who journey with those who are becoming Catholic to help them become part of our St. Pius X Catholic Community. “Catechists” are also needed to share their faith and lead sessions.

Contact Judi Hornback if you are interested in becoming Catholic or interested in helping others in this process. Her contact information can be found in our church bulletin.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Serve at the altar of Christ! The Altar Servers important role requires that they have made their First Communion, are at least 10 years old, and attend all scheduled training classes to learn more about the Mass and their faith. Contact information can be found in our church bulletin. Contact information: John Stoll @ 770-365-0002

Altar Society

The altar society cares for the altar, sacristy, and sanctuary.  Our purpose is to help maintain the liturgical needs of our daily worship, to beautify our worship area, and to grow in the community and common service. We have six guilds within the society: Sacristans, Light of Christ, Church Volunteers, Decorators, Church Linens, and Seamstresses. The biggest time of the year when you see the full scale of our ministry is during Holy Week. This past year we had a visiting artist help us create an interactive Triduum with statues.  

A group text is sent to communicate on a frequent basis when things change liturgically.

Our ministry serves the direct parish. 

Yes!  We can use new sacristans, church volunteers, seamstresses, and church linens.   

Head Sacristans: Jennifer Rhoads, 404-641-4197 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion to the Homebound

Extraordinary Minsters to the Homebound are honored to serve the Lord by visiting, praying, comforting, and giving Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend mass and participate in Eucharistic assembly. They go forth from Mass to share the blessings sent from the priest and faith community to Homes, Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers, Hospitals, and other facilities.

Mara Buchanan’s contact information can be found in our church bulletin.

First Friday of Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday:  Blessing of the Sacramentals 11:15 a.m. Mass at 11:30 a.m. Adoration during the night in the Chapel.

First Saturday: Holy Rosary at 7:50 am. The blessing of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 8:15 a.m. Mass begins at 8:30 a.m.

Contact or Questions: Brenda Stoll: 770-365-6614, Fermina Consla: 770-713-2154, Salome Lambert: 404-723-4056


It is the mission of a lector to be the channel through which God’s Word is made present to the faithful. Just as the Lord is present sacramentally in the midst of the congregation during the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, so too is God present in the reading of the Scriptures in the Liturgy of the Word.  We may be the only word of God our parishioners hear during the week.

We service just our parish.

We would like to have at least one training session each year but with Covid it prevented us from meeting the last two years.

We are always accepting new members. 

Contact: Deacon Fred Johns | 770-483-3660

Eucharistic Adoration Ministry

The Eucharistic Adoration Ministry is responsible for preparing the main sanctuary and the Day Chapel for the First Friday Mass, the blessing of the oil, water, candles, and salt, and Overnight Adoration. We also ensure that there is always a guardian present with the Blessed sacrament during overnight adoration.

We meet every first Friday at 9:30 to prepare for Mass and Adoration and again after Mass on Saturday morning to take down and put away all the supplies.

We are accepting new members- No need to help out both days. Can help set up on Friday or help take down on Saturday or help during the night to ensure there is always a guardian present. Contact information: Brenda Stoll: 770-365-6614

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs)

Assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at all Masses. All candidates must be registered at St. Pius, be at least 16 years old, confirmed and must complete a parish training course to be certified for a three-year period. Training is offered in the Spring and Fall on dates and times to be announced. Contact: Dcn. John Yaeger:  302.258.3793


Our job is to welcome Parishioners to the church when coming to Mass. We are the friendly welcoming faces at the front doors.  We are at every Mass, are a small group and would love to have more help.   

We do not have meetings and our schedule is for three months at a time. Contact information can be found in our church bulletin. Contact information: Ellen Dilbeck @ 770-231-5381


The Ushers Ministry’s job is to assist Parishioners entering the Sanctuary in any way necessary. We take up and secure the monetary collections. We let people out of the Pews during Communion. We do physical counts at all Masses and issue a report monthly and yearly.

We assist any parishioners who might need special attention in seating or receiving Communion.

We are always looking for additional help.

Ushers are scheduled quarterly, and the information is distributed via e-mail. We don’t have formal meetings, but communication is via e-mail with any information deemed necessary. Contact information can be found in our church bulletin.

Music Ministries

Our St. Pius X Music Ministries

The SPX Music Ministry serves at all the weekend Masses in Conyers, striving to enhance the overall liturgy with powerful, prayerful, and worshipful music. Currently, we have four different choirs/groups that lead regular Mass times:

The Folk Group (Sunday 8:30am), Carl Wust @ 770-314-0321

The St. Cecilia Choir (Sunday, 11:00am),

The Hispanic Choir (Sunday, 1:00pm),

The Contemporary Ensemble (Sunday, 5:00pm).

Additionally, there is always a need for singers that are willing to serve as cantors at both the 11:00am and Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass times. Choir Rehearsals in the music room Sundays at 10AM.

This ministry welcomes anyone who wishes to participate and share their talents, regardless of age or experience level. All that is needed is a willingness to learn and grow with an open heart and a generous spirit. Music is one of God’s greatest gifts, and using that to praise Him during liturgy is not only rewarding but FUN! Be not afraid; get involved today! Contact Chris Smith, Director of Music, 678-206-8384,

Faith Enrichment

Divine Will Cenacle

Seven Sisters Apostolate


The Purpose: The Gift of the Divine Will is to allow God to receive perfect glory from the whole human family, from Adam to the last human to be created.

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Cana Rm. 6-8 p.m. All other meetings by way of ZOOM. Contact Anna Milam, 404-403-0883;

Legion of Mary

Join Mary’s Army! With the Blessed Mother as role model and inspiration, this ministry is dedicated to prayer, especially the Rosary, and evangelization through good works and visits to shut-ins. Meeting Time: Every Friday at 7:30pm Special Projects: Marian consecration, pilgrim statue visitations, home Enthronements, nursing home visitations, annual retreats in the South Atlanta Area, and Acies.

Our Motto: That Our Prayers May Find the Heart of Every Priest and Bishop

The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop a –“holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. 

This ministry serves our parish. We meet once a year for 10 mins on the Feast of the Sacred Heart to renew our commitment for the year. We always welcome new members, any woman who chooses to offer a Holy Hour for our pastor is already a member.

For more information, contact Beth Gowasack at or by cell @ (770) 845-1714.

The monthly gathering of Cursillistas, (those who have attended a Cursillo), and others who are seeking to make Jesus a part of their everyday life. It is a place to reconnect with others and share experiences of prayer, study and action. Meeting Time: 2nd Saturday after the 5:00 pm Mass. Special Projects: Help at monastery during Cursillo weekend, Leader School opportunity, feed homeless in downtown Atlanta.

Contact Gladstone Nicholson 770-256-2408

Community Building

Cancer Pad Sewing Ministry

This ministry prepares personal care disposable pads/washcloths from gently used bed sheets for the Sacred Journey Hospice in McDonough. Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday at 10:30 am.

Knights of Columbus Council 10004

The Father Charles J Kerscher Knights of Columbus Council 10004 is the local council of the KofC, an international Catholic men’s fraternal organization founded in 1882 on the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity.  The KofC empowers Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work, and in their community as they lead, serve, protect, and defend through programs and projects in four categories: faith, family, community, and life. 

Service and Charity are at the heart of the Knights of Columbus, we are Faith-based and parish-based at St Pius X supporting the local community within Rockdale County.  

Meetings: Second Thursday of the month, St Pius X Church beginning with Rosary at 6:45pm. and called to order at 7:15pm; opened to any member of the Knights of Columbus. Membership cards are required. The Knights of Columbus Insurance provides financial security for members and their families.

Membership: opened to men 18 years of age or older who are “practical” (practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. (“Practical Catholic” means a Catholic who accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.)

Contact information: Robert Aiken, Grand Knight @ 404-725-1103

Prayer Chain

Members of the Prayer Chain are committed to pray every day for the needs of our parish members and their families. The Prayer Chain receives requests for prayer from parish members and these are sent through the phone or email prayer chain. These requests may be for healing in body, mind or spirit. Many requests are for upcoming surgical or diagnostic procedures. Some requests are for emergency health needs or family crises.

Contact information: Martha Hughey, 770-656-5252,

Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW)

The Saint Pius X Parish Council of Catholic Women is to Support, Empower, and Educate all Catholic women in Spirituality, Leadership, and Service. PCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and Society in the modern World.

St. Pius X PCCW is to provide innumerable activities for Women, to support the Pastor and the Parish with activities, as well as Fund Raisers, and to assist in Church and local activities.

Our Meetings are held monthly, generally on the second Monday or Tuesday after Mass.  The monthly meetings are varied.  We have retreats, tea socials, book reviews etc.  All women of the parish are automatically members of the Council. Contact: Gwendolyn Scott, President, 770-786-1429 or

Parish Office Ministry

The Parish Office Ministry is also referred to as the “Front Line Ministry.” The first place, we encounter parishioners and visitors to our church outside of the weekend Mass, either in person or over the telephone. It is our responsibility to be a minister of hospitality to all that we encounter.

If you have been blessed with any of the following Spiritual Gifts, please consider volunteering in the Administrative Offices at St. Pius X.

Administration -The Holy Spirit enables some individuals to motivate, direct and inspire God’s people in ways they voluntarily and harmoniously work together doing the Church’s work effectively. This gift involves ability to complete tasks, tie up “loose ends” set a pattern for others to follow. Adeptness at financing, planning, organizing, delegating responsibilities and problem-solving indicate the gift of administration.

Hospitality – A concern for the comfort of others may be a manifestation of the gift of hospitality. This gift involves making people at ease, enjoy being in the presence of strangers and a welcoming spirit.

Service – To work this gift, identify closely the needs and problems of others, not providing answers, but willing to work with them, no matter the task’s size. It involves willing to “pitch in” and do what is needed, no matter the details or how tedious. Contact information can be found in our church bulletin.

Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts

Scouting is a values-based program following the Scout Oath and Law.

These codes help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For over a century, Scouting has instilled in youth the values and knowledge they will need to become leaders in their community and country.

For us, the most important of the twelve points of the Scout Law is: “A Scout is Reverent.”
Our church offers Scouts BSA for boys age 11-17, and Cub Scouts for boys in kindergarten through 5th grade as an outreach ministry and community service. We meet on Tuesday nights at St. Pius.

Contact Carl Wust ( or 770-314-0321) to find out more and join the Scouts today.

Stewardship Committee

Stewardship, encouraging each individual’s gifts and talents given by God to share.

We are committed to educate our parish community and promote our St. Pius X ministries.

Love to talk to people? Are you Bilingual? Consider being a Steward and show how you live your faith.

Committee Activities

  • Pentecost Sunday – International Dinner
  • Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
  • Time and Talent
  • Parish Ministry Support

Monthly Activities

  • First Monday of the month
  • 2:00 p.m.
  • Bethlehem Room
  • Meeting Options: Zoom Calls, Conference Phone Calls or Luncheons in lieu of in-person meetings.

Contact Information

Irma Frakes: 817-343-6349, Ellen Dilbeck: 770-231-5381 and John Stoll: 770-365-0002

“For we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” 2 Cor 5:20

Outreach Ministries

SPX 50+ Seniors Ministry

The SPX 50+ Seniors Ministry is for the older adults in the parish. Meetings: Usually on the First Friday of the month after praying the rosary and after the 11:30am Mass. There is food, faith, fellowship, and fun. There may be other events related to this age group. A meal is shared, fellowship enjoyed, knowledge gained from a parish or community speaker, and engage in fun activities. 

In addition, the seniors are building intergenerational relationships to impart their wisdom on the younger generation as they remember them when they receive their sacraments and write notes of encouragement. Our service area is St. Pius X Parish.

Membership:  The SPX 50+ Seniors Ministry is open to anyone at St Pius X parish over the age of 50 (based upon AARP full membership age). 

Contact Cheryl Bryant 404.375.3633                                   Contact Judi Hornback 219.746.2425

Garden Ministry

The Garden Ministry is dedicated to the upkeep of the landscaping at St. Pius X. Set your own schedule and work in an area of your choice. This is an opportunity to use your time and talent doing God’s work. Special Projects: Growing vegetables for the food pantry. Contact Mike Bigby 770-922-9924

Men’s Jail and Prison Ministry

St. Pius X Men’s Jail Ministry presently entails weekly Saturday afternoon bible study for the Rockdale jail. In addition to prayer & Bible study, there are from time-to-time mentoring opportunities.

Respect Life Ministry (this same as Pro-Life Ministry)

This ministry is active in the community in many ways. We have a great relationship with the Refuge Center in Conyers and support them financially and materially. We hold a Baby Bottle Campaign each year to raise money for their work with families facing unplanned pregnancies. We also organize baby showers for women that live in our area to support their decision to choose life. Our parish shows our support for life in our community through our Life Chain which is held every October in front of St. Pius. We also keep the parish informed of changes in the Abortion laws in Georgia.

We are always accepting new members. We do not have a set schedule for meetings. 

Contact: Caroline Smith, 770-598-6078    Carolinewsmith@

Haiti Twinning

The Haiti Committee of St. Pius X Catholic Church is an ecumenical group that provides assistance to St. Pius’ sister parish in Lospalis, Haiti. St. Pius has had an ongoing relationship with our sister parish since 1999. We started with yearly medical missions in 2000 and have gone every year until recent COVID shutdowns.
In 2016 we establish a full-time clinic with a Haitian physician. We continue to support the clinic through salaries, medications and supplies.

Students in that area did not have a high school to attend. We were able to fund a high school and continue to provide financial support through student sponsorships on a yearly basis. The students at the high school far exceed the national standards for Haiti.

We continue to provide agricultural support through education and immunizations of goats.

We recently completed a building project for a new rectory which also serves as a meeting center for the parish.

Our annual budget for all of these projects is about $100,000. We continue to strive to raise funds through different fundraising events.

The Haiti Committee meets on the first Monday of every month in the Cana Room at 7:15 p.m. We would love to have new members join us. Please reach out to anyone on the contact list or you are welcome to show up at one of our monthly meetings. Contact: Michael Manning  – 770.630.1645
Suchet Loius  –  678.920. 3168
Bernadette Destin  –  770.789.5998

St. Vincent De Paul

St. Vincent De Paul is a charitable organization associated with the Catholic Church. We do our best to help those in need financially using the funds so generously donated by the members of the Parish. We also head up the Christmas tree project held annually at the Parish.

We serve the community as well as the members of the Parish.

Our office is open on Monday and Thursday morning from 10 to 12. Clients call in on our SVDP phone line ( 770-761=3731 ) leave their message and we return those messages and do what we can to help financially and with food from our food bank.

We meet Quarterly on the second Monday of the month at 6pm.

Starting in September we meet every Monday evening at 6 pm, for about an hour, with our Christmas Tree Workshop. These meetings continue until the gift delivery, usually a week or so before Christmas. This is a great time of fun and fellowship in preparation for the Christmas holiday. 

 To volunteer and for more information contact Katy Tiller at 770-380-5879. 

Women’s Jail and Prison Ministry

Mission: To be present in faith, mercy and unconditional love – in the name of Jesus – to women residents in jail, prison, transitional housing and sex trafficking programs. Also, to be social justice advocates for fairness and humane treatment in the criminal justice system.

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 2pm in the Cana Room.

To volunteer or for more information, con tact Cheryle Johnson, 678-464-2521.

Health Ministry

Mission Statement: The Mission of the Health Ministry is to support the Health and Wellness Posture of the SPX Church and its Community at large. Actions and activities of the ministry includes Blood Drives, Funding Raising for health-related research and education and Community based Educational and Physical Programs. Organization of the Health Ministry: The Health Ministry consist of four committees. Three of the programs below are in partnership with National Health Organizations. SPX Volunteer teams supplement the staff of these organizations.

  1. SPX Blood Drive- sponsored by The American Red Cross (ARC). Regularly conducts five (5) Drives annually.
  2. SPX Relay for Life Team– Sponsored by The American Cancer Society (ACS). The primary focus of this team is fund-raising in support of ANC Research, Education and Service to preserve, save and celebrate life. This team meets monthly and have commitments to regular offsite ACS meetings.
  3. Basic Cardiac Life Support Program – American Red Cross. A plan is in process to reinstate the program in early 2023. The plan will request support of funding of 2 -3 BCLS Trainers, in order to conduct SPX sponsored classes twice annually.
  4. Line Dancing Class – Sponsored by the SPX Health ministry is coordinated by Jane Carter, who is the dance instructor. This program presents a fun way of exercising and fellowship. Started with only SPX members, has attracted several non-SPX individuals. Men and women are invited. Classes are on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM. Any funds receive are donations from attendees.

Ministry meetings are twice annually.  Contact: Beverly Page, Health Ministry Leader, (C) 770-845-0492

Parish Needs

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The MLK Outreach Ministry promotes the values and principles taught by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., through annual programs, service programs and activities that foster social justice and recognizes all people.

Each year, we raise monies for the MLK Scholarship Funds that are presented to St. Pius X Catholic Church Graduates in May. (Example, this year we hope to raise funds for the year 2023.) 

The Gas Card Raffle also contributes to the MLK Scholarship Fund. We also sponsor about 4 to 5 dinners each Thanksgiving. You could say our ministry services our parish and the local community.  The MLK Outreach Ministry of Saint Pius X Catholic Church invites its membership to all parishioners who are spiritually engaged and committed to serving the less fortunate and fostering social harmony and unity in our society. We usually meet once a month, off during July and August.

Please contact Pauline Hudson at or 770 760-7685.

St. Joseph’s Guild

The St. Joseph’s Guild is a ministry that helps celebrate the life of a deceased parishioner at an already difficult time for a family. The St. Joseph’s Guild will provide stewardship, refreshments, and delicious food at no cost to the family. We offer a safe relaxing atmosphere for family and friends to share stories, memories and special moments without any added stress. We are made up of a fabulous team of volunteers whose duties range from preparation, organization, cooking meals and more! 

We are proud to offer this resource to our parishioners and hopefully reaching out to related community involved in the loss of a loved one. Our team of volunteers are going to be meeting on an annual basis. We are always in contact on varying levels to share ideas, concerns and pleasantries. 

The St. Joseph’s Guild is such a wonderful ministry to be a part of that we encourage anyone in our parish to join us! If you would like to share in this ministry by helping set up, serve, clean up and break down or very importantly offer food donations we welcome you ! 

Please contact: Cindy Poehls (703) 727-3673  Or email: