Please stay up to date with other program offerings by signing up for our Remind messages and following us on Instagram @spxlifeteen!

Updates and Reminders:

All Faith Formation Registrations have now closed.

We are offering a hybrid model of Faith Formation that will focus on the parents’ role as the first and best catechists for their children.  We will provide in-person catechesis and a Google Classroom for children who will be receiving Sacraments in 2022.  The Google Classroom is our “back-up plan,” so it is imperative that you provide a working email address that will be used for communication. 

Las registraciones para este año de Formación en la Fe han cerrado.

Estaremos ofreciendo un modelo de Formación en la Fe híbrido (en persona/virtual), que tendrá enfoque en el papel de los padres como los primeros y mejores catequistas para sus hijos. Proveeremos catequesis en persona y por Google Classroom para los estudiantes que estarán recibiendo sus sacramentos en el año 2022. La forma virtual de Google Classroom es nuestro plan de respaldo, así que es indispensable que nos provee su correo electrónico actual el cual usaremos para comunicarnos con usted.  

Sign up for Remind messages by downloading the app or texting the following codes to 81010:

All Faith Formation (use this code first!): @spxff20
High School (Life Teen): @spxlt
Middle School (Edge): @spxms1

What is Edge?

EDGE is a youth ministry focused on leading middle school youth closer to Christ through prayer, scripture, faith study, service, and community involvement with a strong focus on the truths of our Catholic faith and the Eucharist. It offers the youth opportunities to get involved in their Faith through “Edge Nights” and various social and volunteer ministry opportunities.

This year, our virtual formation will be more family focused. We’ll tackle topics to help you share your faith as a family and better support each other through the pandemic. Stay tuned for in-person offerings like Adoration nights aimed at the needs of our middle school students.

What do we do?

We meet to build friendships with each other, have fun and dive deeper into our Catholic faith.  We participate in occasional retreats to step outside of the noise and chaos of everyday life to renew ourselves in Christ and remember that He must be the center of our lives.