Please stay up to date with other program offerings by signing up for our Remind messages and following us on Instagram @spxlifeteen!

Updates and Reminders:

All Faith Formation Registrations have now closed.

Las registraciones para este año de Formación en la Fe han cerrado.

Sign up for Remind messages by downloading the app or texting the following codes to 81010:

Middle School (EDGE): @spxedge24

What is Edge?

EDGE is a youth ministry focused on leading middle school youth closer to Christ through prayer, scripture, faith study, service, and community involvement with a strong focus on the truths of our Catholic faith and the Eucharist. It offers the youth opportunities to get involved in their Faith through “Edge Nights” and various social and volunteer ministry opportunities.

What do we do?

We meet to build friendships with each other, have fun and dive deeper into our Catholic faith.  We participate in occasional retreats to step outside of the noise and chaos of everyday life to renew ourselves in Christ and remember that He must be the center of our lives.