Stay up to date with other program offerings by signing up for our Remind messages and following us on Instagram @spxlifeteen

Updates and Announcements:

Sacramental Prep Registration begins April 27th.
Las registraciones para la Formación Sacramental empieza el 27 de abril.

The next Life Teen Gathering is March 16th at 6pm in the Parish Hall, come join us and bring a friend!

Life Teen Events

Sign up for Remind messages by downloading the app or texting the following codes to 81010:

For LifeTeen text updates: @spxhs24

Life Teen’s goal is to “Lead Teens Closer to Christ.”  As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.

Because of this, the most important component of Life Teen is the Mass- Life Teen always ends with Mass! The Mass is the most important single thing we celebrate of our faith and the Catechism tells us the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Faith! We encourage teens (& families) to attend the 5 pm Life Teen Mass on Sundays.

Session Time: This year we’re taking a family focused approach. We plan to offer some in-person events for our high school students to safely gather and encounter Christ in the flesh. These events will be announced via Remind and the parish bulletin.

For all 9th-12th grade students.

Sacrament of Confirmation

In the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Confirmation preparation is at least a two year process that ends with students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in the 10th grade.

At St. Pius X, our 8th grade, or first year, students simply enroll in Life Teen and actively participate with at least 80% attendance.  When these students reach the 10th grade they begin our more formal “Confirmation Prep” program.

Throughout students’ immediate preparation year, they participate in service projects both in the parish and in the community on a journey to live as fully initiated members of the parish.

Volunteer Events

Each year we offer numerous volunteer opportunities around our parish and in the community.  Stop by the youth office to see what sign-ups are open this week!

Examples of opportunities include: Rivers Alive community waterway cleanup, setting up crosses for Veterans’ Day, serving as a group leader at retreats for our elementary retreats, assisting the elderly at parish dinners, serving food at parish events, visiting the sick and home-bound, packaging gifts for those in need during the holidays, stuffing Easter eggs for the parish egg hunt, and many more.

For more information, please contact Yomaira Díaz.