RCIA 2023
BECOMING CATHOLIC—RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The RCIA is the process by which those who are not baptized, as well as those who are baptized in another Christian faith or baptized Catholic but never completed their sacraments, can complete their initiation into the Catholic Church and “become Catholic”. It is a journey of faith through which an awakening of faith and a growth of faith (conversion) takes place. Although we are on the journey together, each one of us has a unique path. This journey is taken in stages and takes as long as it takes.
RCIA at St. Pius X is a “year-round” or “continuous” process, meaning that one can enter the Inquiry or Pre-Catechumenate stage any time during the year. These initial sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and allow those seeking to learn more about the Catholic Church a time to find out about our faith and ask questions. Once ready to make a commitment to move to the next stage, we meet for the 11am Mass, get dismissed after the homily, and “Break Open the Word” to learn more about what God is telling us to do in our lives; followed by discussion about a related belief/practice/doctrine/dogma of the church.
Volunteers are needed to be “Sponsors” who journey with those who are becoming Catholic to help them become part of our SPX Community. “Catechists” are also needed to share their faith and lead sessions. Contact Judi Hornback – hornback11@sbcglobal.net – 219.746.2425 .
RCIA En Español | “RICA” Rito de Iniciación. – RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos por sus siglas en español) Si ha estado fuera de la Iglesia y le gustaría volver a re-conectarse ¿Conoce a alguien que tenga preguntas sobre nuestra fe católica, tal vez un miembro de la familia ó usted mismo, póngase en contacto con Julian Covarrabias: juliancovarrubias62@gmail.com o llamé a 470-805-7590.